travel essentials list

Struggling to pack your bags for going abroad? We've got you covered! Check out our travel essentials list below to ensure that you stay safe and comfortable as you travel during the summer and beyond.

1. Reusable water bottle

Hydration is essential for any long-haul flight. Bringing a reusable water bottle with you will not only keep you hydrated (which is also important in the fight against jet lag), but it will also benefit the environment. You'll limit your single-use plastic usage, whilst also avoiding the potential insanity that comes with surviving a long-haul journey by continually asking for individual water cups.

2. Toiletries are important as part of your travel essentials list

Staying fresh on a flight is the greatest way to stay sane. Bringing deodorant, toothpaste, a toothbrush, lip balm, and moisturiser with you is a great way to keep you feeling fresh and clean while on the go.

3. Hand sanitiser

Long-haul trips may be hard on your body—the exhaustion and drying conditions, combined with the fact that planes aren't always the cleanest places, aren't ideal. As a result, hand sanitiser is a valuable ally in the fight against pathogens. Just make sure it's less than 100ml, or you'll have to say goodbye to your little pal at the security screening.

travel essentials list

4. Bring snacks as part of your travel essentials list

It's no secret that finding an edible inflight meal on a plane is an uncommon occurrence. As a result, snacks are essential for properly packing your hand luggage. Fresh fruit or nutritious, low-sugar cereal bars are some of the best snacks, and don't forget to bring chocolate because, well, it's obvious why.

5. Sun care

Sunscreens bigger than 3.4 fluid ounces or 100 millilitres can be packed in a carry-on bag; simply place them in a clear, resealable bag (together with the rest of your carry-on liquids) and offer them for examination once you arrive at the security checkpoint.

Learn the remedies for sunburn in our previous blog post here:

Sunburn Remedies

6. Treatment for diarrhoea

Within 10 days after visiting a place with low sanitation, travellers' diarrhoea develops. It's by far the most frequent ailment among tourists. It's caused by viruses, bacteria, or parasites in the water or foods you eat. It normally goes away on its own within a few days. However, it is sometimes necessary to seek medical help.

travel essentials list

7. Antimalarials

Antimalarial medicine should be considered by anyone travelling to a malaria-infected area. However, not all antimalarials are suitable for everyone. An expert can assist you in determining the best malaria medicine for you during your holiday.

Learn how to prevent malaria in our previous blog post here:

Prevent Malaria

8. Flight Socks

Compression socks should be worn if you're in danger of a blood clot. Compression stockings should be worn by travellers who've had varicose veins before or have a personal or family history of deep vein thrombosis.

Prevent DVT


9. Ear plugs

As the pilot brings the plane in for a landing, ear plugs can relieve pressure in your ears and can help you relax. If you intend on taking a sunny trip and struggle with earache on long flights, using aircraft earplugs is recommended.

10. Bite & Sting Relief complete our travel essentials list

In the UK, the risk of being very ill from an insect sting or bite is low, but insects can carry serious diseases like malaria in some parts of the world, so you should be extra cautious. That’s why it’s important to carry with you, bite and sting relief.

Shop online at for travel essentials and other health products.

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This blog post was written on behalf of by Pharmacy Mentor.