Repeat Prescription Information

Do you get regular medicines?

Save time and help your GP practice, your pharmacy and the NHS by using electronic repeat dispensing. Your doctor will send a series of repeat prescriptions to your pharmacy in one go, so there's no need for you to order them each time.

Visit or ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information.

Repeat Prescription Advice

If you order your medicines from your doctor, remember to only request the medicines you need. Even if you pay for your prescriptions, it still costs the NHS money for each unnecessary medicine you order. A report by the Department of Health estimates that unused prescription medications cost the NHS over £300 million every year which could be spent elsewhere. Even if you do not open the medicines, once they have left the pharmacy they cannot be recycled or used by anyone else.

Top 10 Tips

  • 1. Check what you need before ordering your medicines.
  • 2. Don’t stockpile medicines - only order what is required.
  • 3. Keep your repeat request slip up to date - don’t reorder medicines which you are not taking.
  • 4. Speak to your GP or pharmacist if you are getting side effects from your medication.
  • 5. Do not share your medicines - sharing your medicines can be dangerous and puts others at risk
  • 6. Take your unused medication to a pharmacyfor appropriate disposal. It cannot be reused.
  • 7. If your pharmacy reorders your medication for you, make sure you inform them of any changes.
  • 8. Remember! A repeat prescription can only be issued a certain number of times before it needs to be reauthorised.
  • 9. If you have seen a specialist or been in hospital your medicines may have changed - if the hospital gave you a letter please take it to your surgery as soon as possible.
  • 10. If you are going into hospital or on holiday, remember to inform your GP and pharmacy if you are away from home for longer than two weeks.